by user | Sep 6, 2017 | Staff Blogs
Hey guys and welcome back to my monthly look at all things Star Citizen related. Firstly an apology because this is way later than I intended it to be. I have had a request to write a how to guide on how to actually get into the game, the different options in the main...
by user | Jun 23, 2017 | Staff Blogs
Welcome back to my monthly look at Star Citizen where I’ll explain the different things that you the listeners need to know before deciding if you want to join me when I move my show over to that game in the coming months. Just a reminder this will be alongside KPR’s...
by user | May 21, 2017 | Staff Blogs
We won’t be abandoning Star Trek Online; far from it. We all love you guys in STO and as long as there is a community who wants to party with us in STO we’ll be there playing the tunes and partying with you guys until the small hours (for some of us anyway 😛 ). Hello...
by user | Apr 18, 2017 | Staff Blogs
We won’t be abandoning Star Trek Online far from it. We all love you guys in STO and as long as there is a community who wants to party with us in STO we’ll be there playing the tunes and partying with you guys until the small hours (for some of us anyway 😛 ). Welcome...
by user | Mar 14, 2017 | Staff Blogs
Hey guys a few weeks ago during my show I mentioned to those of you at the party that within the next few months KPR will be branching out into a new game. That game would be one called Star Citizen. We won’t be abandoning Star Trek online far from it, we all love you...