On New Year’s Eve starting at 8pm Eastern, we’re going to have one hell of a party! Don Burrito will be going on air at his usual time for an extended New Year’s party. He’ll be on till 2am Eastern and everyone’s invited. Party location will be announced that evening. He’ll have other DJs stopping by the DJ booth to say hello, and the listeners are more than welcome to come say something on air too!
If you would like to come speak with us, you’ll just need to join us on our Discord server. You don’t even have to download anything if you don’t want to. Discord can run right in your browser, or you can go to DiscordApp.com to download and install the full program. Then CLICK HERE to join our specific server. After that just look on the left side for the text channel and voice channel lists, and click on the room named The Gangplank Pub to talk to us. Don’t worry, anything you say in that room will not be going out over the stream. We have a DJ Booth for that 🙂
We’re really looking forward to this party, and we hope you are as well!